It Is All Right Now…
We are giving away $100 to celebrate Earth Day. Additional $100 will be donated to our winner’s favorite charity.
For many families, their lives are being completely re-defined. Do we dare celebrate how stay at home order proves, electricity straight from the sun is more important than gas?..gas?…Gas is real old school. While songs are timeless, gas was the best we could do. Gas was the best we could do back then at that time. Let’s do the best we can do today. Today, we have more sensible options that empower clearer bluer skies and we have learned to fix variables favorably.
…I was schooled with a strap right across my back
But it’s all right now, in fact, it’s a gas
When did gas begin? Natural gas was discovered in America as early as 1626. French explorers discovered natives igniting gases seeping into and around Lake Erie. In 1821, William Hart dug the first successful natural gas well in the U.S. in Fredonia, New York (former site of BUFFALO BILLS’ Training Camp). Eventually, the Fredonia Gas Light Company was formed, becoming the first American natural gas distribution company. Natural gas is shown above to be 400 years in action, but it’s understood that ancient Rome used Natural gas for giant torches.
Oil 1859:
(click above for gasoline price history through 2015)
Edwin Drake dug the first oil well in Pennsylvania in 1859 and distilled the oil to produce kerosene for lighting. Although other petroleum products, including gasoline, were also produced in the distillation process, Drake had no use for the gasoline and other products, so he discarded them. It wasn’t until 1892, with the invention of the automobile, that gasoline was recognized as a valuable fuel. OK… Gasoline is just over 100 years old.
Electricity 1880s:
It was in the 1880s when coal was first used to generate electricity for homes and factories. By 1961, coal had become the major fuel used to generate electricity in the United States. Has anyone thought?… It feels like we are living in a movie. This seems to be a glimpse into the future…
Solar 1954:
Concentrated solar power and solar thermal energy applications had been in use for a while, but purely photovoltaic solar isn’t born until U.S. scientists at Bell Labs developed the silicon PV cell. This is the first time enough of the sun’s energy is converted to run electrical equipment. Bell Labs scientists Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller and Gerald Pearson achieved 6% efficiency with this first silicon cell. Today, SunPower has residential cells over 22% efficient.
This is each of our opportunities to be difference makers for the better in every little way we can. The Solar Bill Review Team will be giving away $100 as part of an effort to help families who are being affected by COVID19.
… We are supporting local business. We are asking you to join us in leading by example. We are asking you for good ideas. We want strong topics to write about. What do you want to know? This blog isn’t just about buying local. This is about where we live. We have a huge opportunity to be difference makers, each and every one of us.
The answer is helping keep the community value up. Visit your local bakery. The local baker will spend money with your next door neighbor who works at the grocery store. Grocery store guy spends his money with delivery person who spends money with your other neighbor who is a nurse. This is what keeps the value of our homes up. We effectively invest in each other as a community. When we do not spend, we effectively eliminate people’s jobs. This is not good for local economy. This will lower home value. Accept your role and take responsibility during this most critical time. Little known fact is that last year The Solar Bill Review Team contributed over $10,000 to helping train volunteer fire fighters and EMTs.
Thank you Covid 19 for being you, so I can learn from you to be a better me.
There is a saying that goes like this… “Nothing happens until something is sold”. Step 1 In our solar business, one individual gets paid a commission or referral fee for finding a family who is interested in solar, then about 15 families get fed. How does this work? Most are local… office administrators, accountants, bakers, sales rep, engineers, installers, city hall, medical workers, etc..
That money typically goes to a PHAT salary for a Regional VP, a PHATTER salary for a national VP, stockholders probably still show a loss, but those boats, helicopters and fringe benefits work out well for the top execs. The reality, even with only 2 full time reps on our payroll, we are working hard to get our other 9 teammates back on full time. If you are happy with the status quo, then do not buy anything. By the way, that means you will be choosing to pay next month’s salary for PG&E’s new CEO, who left the highest paying government job at $8.1 million last year. This was to come to PG&E after the fires forced bankruptcy AKA “Forgiveness of debt”. Bill Johnson faced calls for his resignation, in 2018 after this previous company bought a pair of $10 million corporate jets and a $7 million luxury helicopter once owned by Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones for executives to use. After threatening to retire, it looks like $6 million on the books yearly… The Price is Right for Mr. Bill. When we pay outside the community we do not always know where that money goes. For all we know, we may be unknowing accomplices to young children working in sweatshops!? Seriously, though, we have no idea…
Keep it in the family
When we work with local businesses, we invest in the value of our own backyard, literally. The guy that works on my backyard gets $100 monthly. He gets paid because I get paid. That money will continue to churn in the community, locally. This is what keeps our home value strong. If you will like your local economy to be stronger, please invest your best intentions with action. More valuable than money… Learn who your neighbors are and love your neighbors when they are doing something inspiring. When we support local efforts and businesses, this helps our neighbors maintain their local staying power and property value. We are asking you to keep manifesting a rich community. The bay area has a rich history of family values and well being. This is the edge of the world. This is where technology starts. We have a lot of smart people who traveled from all over the world to be here in this phenomenal energy vortex… Writing history now…
Below is your questions for the $100. Please like us on Facebook and submit your answers on our FB page or email mail us at: [email protected]

1) Who is the fancy schmantze restaurant that applied for and was awarded with $20 million from the “Small Business Administration”
2) How much did a $150 PG&E bill cost 2018 Vs. 2019?
3) Why buy local?
Please give us the hardest questions on solar. We will respond with factual truth. Win with us. Provide a good subject request to write about. We have a team qualified to offer a timely response and we are buying what we are selling…
$100 to you and additional $100 Gift Card to a Local charity or business of your choice to 1 winner with the best answers.